My Story ….

Hi, I’m Paul.

First thanks for checking out our website. Whether you found us by a search
or were referred to unwelcome and we look forward to being able to help
solve what you are looking to accomplish. Let me tell you about myself and
about my business Zero Gravity View.

Short Version …

I received my pilot’s license after retiring for thirty-eight years the fire service
didn’t give me the time to really get involved with them. Providing assistance
and services for people has been at the forefront for a long time. Though not
in the same capacity as a firefighter, assisting people and having customer
satisfaction is our goal here at Zero Gravity View.

Long(er) Version ….

Thirty-five years in the fire service capped off by overseeing a shift for the last eight gave me great insight into how to work with the public and lead the firefighters on my shift. I have always loved and wanted to fly drones, but with family life and the fire service, there was not much time to devote to drones. 

 After retiring, I wanted to continue helping people as much as I could and start flying drones. Educating myself to fly drones and taking the Part 107 to be licensed with the FAA was humbling. After flying for a while, I felt that a drone company Zero Gravity View had the ability to assist people with their given problems or situations where aerial imaging be accomplished and I was giving back as I had done before. 

Of the many things that have been learned over the years.

One thing has stood out, learning to listen to others is not only important for conversation, but it is vital for a business to thrive. My company devotes time and effort to solving issues for clients with the help of technology-based solutions but foremost by listening to our customers. To me, these are the keys to a successful business.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story, I look forward to hearing from you and seeing what we can accomplish together.


Certificate for DroneDeploy Certified Pilot

Certificate for Fundamentals Certified

PilotCertificate for Agronomy Certified Analyst

Drone Mapping and Modeling Fundamentals Certificate of Completion

Certified Aerial Roof Survey Specialist

Contact Me.