Property Reports

Overhead View of Property

A view from overhead to see if anything needs attention with your roof

Four Sides of the Residence

Four pictures, one from each corner of your residence

What Needs Attention

Photographs of what needs attention as soon as possible.

  • For the homeowner

    • Are you away from your property for periods of time? Whether this is for vacation, to be in a warmer area for winter, or just don’t have time to be there. Your property is very important to you to not know what may be occurring there.

  • For commercial owner

    • Most likely won’t have time to make regular visits just to check on your building.
      A majority of the time you don’t hear anything until major problems have already occurred. Having the ability to see what is occurring ahead of time is invaluable for you your tenants and your customers.

  • Storm damage to your property

    • Do you need proof from the insurance company of what has occurred?

Yes, you can have neighbors oversee your property, in the beginning, this might be okay, but this can become a burden and what proof do you have this is being done? What can’t be seen from the ground may end up causing more problems in the long run. The roof has lost some shingles, the siding has been ripped off by a storm or some animal has been in the yard and damaged or destroyed something. Many of us are surprised to find out what has happened at our property.

Questions to think about if you have someone looking over your property.

  • How do know if anyone is looking at all of the property?

  • How vigilant is the person when checking your property?

  • Can the person see your roof? This is especially critical if you are a commercial property owner.

  • Are you receiving a report with proof of what your property looks like?

We have a service that will go to your property, take a look around it, and send you a report back with photographic proof.
What is in this report and what photographic proof is sent to me?

A PDF contains the following items:

  • Conditions of Your Property

  • Conditions of Your Residence

  • Conditions of Additional Structures on Your Property

  • Notification of anything or things that need your attention

  • Photographic Proof of the condition of everything you own or rent

Scroll down to see what is included, photographs, and a link to see a sample PDF report which is emailed along with you receiving a link to the PDF report and photographs that were taken.

Click Report to see what is sent to your email

Download the Shadow Lakes Property Report agreement

Contact me for further information.